My command center is finally finished! Yeah!
I would love to say mine looks like the pictures below, but it doesn't. I had to do this on a limited budget and I needed it to not just look pretty I needed it to actually function for our family. A lot of ones I found online, were for older kids with boards for each one but with our boys, they really don't have a schedule of their own yet, so maybe someday we will switch to a different layout. Also the location I had for it to go is in our laundry room, which is right off our kitchen. It is really the only space that would work and it's small so I had one wall available but everything pretty much has to be flat or close to it. Our desk area is in the basement and it doesn't make any sense fora command center to be down there away from all the action.
Love the look of this one, but we definetly don't need 3 dry erase boards with monthly schedules! One will work for us!
Love how this one is like a command center/ mudroom set up
Not sure what these boards are made out of or covered with, if it is fabric or what, but I love all the different patterns mixed to create this space.
Very cute one on the side of a pantry or some sort of cabinetry and love all the color and patterns as well!
Love the cute boards for each family member, and the hooks are a good idea but again not ideal for us and our space.
I have no words for this besides a dream! Ahh..
And here is what we now have below, doesn't look so great after looking at all those but hey it works and it's customized to work for our family (or for me because in all honesty lets face it, my boys could care less!)
The top left is our calendar, the right is a frame with our weekly menu and cleaning checklist. I did customize a weekly menu plan and redid the cleaning checklist from the previous one I posted. I will post links for those later in case anyone wants them. Then on the bottom there are 2 magnetic/dry erase boards, one has holders for bills and mail, then the grocery shopping list, and a holder for writing utensils. The right is free space to write whatever we need, notes, to do list or anything else we decide we want to use it for.
Close up of the menu and cleaning checklist, I took a large frame for this, used wrapping paper as a background and then put the plastic/glass in front so that way instead of always printing off new sheets I can just use it as a dry erase board. Always ready to start over!
Close up of bottom board
And that's our simple command center, ready to help me keep this house organized and on top of things!
I so need to do this!
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